Hoysala Expedition Part 44: Rameshwara Temple, Nadakalasi

Part of the double temple complex mentioned in the previous blog entry about the Mallikarjuna Temple, the Rameshwara Temple at Nadakalasi is less extravagant, but equally well decorated, and has, to its credit, a stunning Sala slaying the lion statue next to its Shikhara. Nadakalasi's closeness to Sagara hasn't still ensured its visibility on the tourist map, although, equally closer towns of Keladi and Ikkeri enjoy better recall among visitors.

The main deity is the Rameshwara Linga, but it has been referred to as Sadashiva in the past. Again, this temple has been identified as having been constructed by Baleyanna Vergade around 1218 AD, during Veera Ballala II's reign.

Here's a video:


Unknown said…
There is a sculpture of women folks playing Holi using pichkari and carved tubes.In which temple?Mallikarjuna temple or Rameshwar temple?
Unknown said…
Women folks playing holi using pichkari and carved tubes .
In which temple?
Mallikarjun temple
Rameshwar temple?