An unplanned trip towards South of Mysore

Well, an almost unplanned one day trip to the temple towns and wildlife regions of Mysore and Chamarajanagar districts of Karnataka last week (first week of April) proved two things:
  1. Think twice before doing this in the hot and sunny summer (Nanjanagudu and Talakadu were literally burning hot), and 
  2. You can spot some wildlife even in the scorching heat, if you are lucky...
Some pictures...

A leafless tree hosts the red-vented bulbul

Endless dry deciduous forests surrounding the Himavad Gopalaswamy Hill

The Himavad Gopalaswamy Temple

A stag far away from the temple, grazing alone

A deer herd trying to find shade and protect themselves from the scorching heat

Entrance to the Himavad Gopalaswamy Temple, with the green backdrop

Gray Langur playing hide and seek?

The calm Cauvery water at Talakadu

The lone fisherman on the sunny afternoon at Talakadu

An elephant in the wild at Bandipur
