Some pictures from my last year's trip to Badami, Karnataka. All these special architectrues are from the Badami Chalukya and Kalyani Chalukya period, ranging from 6th Century CE to 12th Century CE.
Entrance to the cave temple dedicated Shiva
Stunning carving on the rooftop inside the Shiva cave temple
The famous Nataraja statue depicting multiple Bharatanatya poses
Varaha lifting Bhoodevi
Vamana becoming Trivikrama
Entrance to the cave temple dedicated to Vishnu
The Kalyani Chalukya marvel right below the Badami Chalukya caves
Vishnu? or Chalukya king Pulikeshi?
Paintings on the rooftop from the 6th / 7th century Badami Chalukya period
From inside one of the cave temples of Badami