Here's an attempt at singing praises - of Lord Hanuman, and of the Martyr Lance Naik Hanumanthappa, in two verses of Anushtup with Shleshaartha (multiple meanings for the same verses):
भूमिजायाः रक्षणार्थम्
सह्य प्रकृतिविषमताम् ।
प्रजासञ्जीवनं कृत्वा
शैलाटः भूषणोऽभवत् ॥
सह्य प्रकृतिविषमताम् ।
प्रजासञ्जीवनं कृत्वा
शैलाटः भूषणोऽभवत् ॥
शिवानुगो मृतुञ्जयः
योगिश्शत्रुनिवारकः ।
महाभक्तश्च पुण्यात्मा
हनुमन्नाम चिन्तयेत्॥
योगिश्शत्रुनिवारकः ।
महाभक्तश्च पुण्यात्मा
हनुमन्नाम चिन्तयेत्॥
Meaning 1:
For the safety of the daughter of the earth (Sita), he endured the difficulties of nature (crossing an ocean, no less). The wanderer of the mountains (of Kishkindha) ensured that the King's family was alive (Lakshmana, through Sanjeevini) and became celebrated (worshiped). Follower of Shiva's lineage, and the one who has overcome death (Hanuman is one of the seven immortals), the Yogi is known to be the remover of all enemies. Also a venerated soul and a great devotee (of Rama), one must always think of the name of Hanuman.
Meaning 2:
For the safety of the daughter of the earth (Bharat Mata), he endured the difficulties of nature (scaling the heights of extreme and cold Siachen Glacier). The wanderer of the mountains (of the Himalayan range) ensured that the citizen of the country could stay alive (in the face of enemy attacks) and hence became celebrated. Follower of Shiva (the martyr was known to be a huge devotee of Shiva) and the one who overcame death (Hanumanthappa's miraculous cheating of death), the Yogi (he was known to practice Yoga regularly) is known to be the remover of all enemies. Also a venerated soul and a great devotee (of the country he served), one must always think of the name of Hanumanthappa.